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Brice Renvoizé, SEAT France and Olivier Marc, Advalo co-founder spoke at the AI PARIS Show – June 12 2019

Brice Renvoizé, SEAT France and Olivier Marc, Advalo co-founder spoke at the AI PARIS Show – June 12 2019

Brice Renvoizé, SEAT France and Olivier Marc, co-founder of Advalo spoke at the AI PARIS show – June 12, 2019

The theme: Artificial Intelligence providing service to marketers: How SEAT has been able to improve the use of its data for business

Brice Renvoizé testified about how artificial intelligence and individualized marketing campaigns can accelerate lead acquisition and traffic in dealerships.




The car manufacturer SEAT, along with its agency C14TORCE chose Advalo the individualized marketing platform to maximize the impact of its marketing and communication actions with its customers and prospects. By fully exploiting its omnichannel data, SEAT is now able to detect purchase intentions and adjust its actions in real-time, to accelerate customer journeys and conversions.

With more than 170 dealerships in France and a 26% increase in vehicles sold in 2018, SEAT has set major challenges for expansion and growth in the territory. As such, digital is a real springboard to develop its notoriety in a market as competitive as that of the automobile, 50% of which is dominated by French manufacturers. By calling upon Advalo, SEAT wanted both to speed up the purchasing process of its customers, but also better exploit its customer base by detecting intending buyers and people likely to be interested in the brand.

Build customer loyalty

Initially, Advalo enabled SEAT to use its own omnichannel data, in order to better understand who its customers are, and be able to send them personalized communications at all contact points. The objective of SEAT was indeed to move from a transactional relationship to a service relationship with its customers and prospects, to best support them in their act of purchase.

By analyzing data from its customer base, artificial intelligence identifies the individuals most likely to change vehicles in the coming days: mileage estimate, loan end date or even first job, are all criteria to consider. Elements that SEAT then uses to invite customers presenting purchase intention to its Private Sales and to follow them in their decision-making process. Emails are then sent offering the customer to test the vehicle they consulted online or to recommend similar vehicles that are the closest to their expectations.

In 2018, this approach enabled SEAT to generate more than 25% of leads, compared to 10% on average, without Advalo.


Conquering new prospects

While customer journeys are particularly long in the automotive sector, the automaker wanted to shorten them by sending the right message to the right person at the right time. A promise made possible by customer data analysis, which is more and more precise over time along with further algorithm fine-tuning.

By analyzing SEAT website visitors’ behavior and cross-referencing this data with CRM data, Advalo detects the persons who are presenting purchase intention and adapts navigation in real-time. Pop-ins appear and are personalized according to the vehicle which most appeals to the individual and their criteria.

AI makes it possible to detect the characteristics common to all individuals who have acquired a precise vehicle model. By establishing audiences that combine these common characteristics, SEAT is able to address look-alike profiles of customer profiles by vehicle type, broadening its prospect base. An acquisition strategy that allowed the manufacturer to generate 1,885 additional leads.




“In a sector that is almost exclusively focused on the physical, we wanted to put a digital strategy in place that would use our available to serve our customers. The first few months of our collaboration with Advalo have proved very promising: the teams are informative and business-oriented, which provides us with an opportunity to see the initial results very quickly! All these actions allow us to prepare for the future, where data is a key focus of our strategy. “

Concludes Brice Renvoizé, Digital & Experience Manager at SEAT France.