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[CLIENT TESTIMONY] Eram optimized the profitability of its campaigns in real-time on Google Ads: CPA reduced by 25%

[CLIENT TESTIMONY] Eram optimized the profitability of its campaigns in real-time on Google Ads: CPA reduced by 25%

Real-time connectivity between the Advalo platform and Google Ads enables Eram to tailor keywords and bid strategies for its Google Network campaigns based on the value of each customer.
Eram optimized its budget by concentrating its investments on priority targets. 

Find below feedback from François Aspe, E-Commerce and Client  Marketing Director for Eram and Bocage, recorded at the ERAM Group x Advalo webinar.

When an Eram customer belonging to a priority segment performs targeted search on a search engine, the bids corresponding to the campaign are automatically adjusted to ensure the display of the corresponding advertisement.

Conversely, when a customer belonging to a less strategic segment does a search on Google, the bid is revised downward, to avoid a useless impression and an inappropriate expense in case of a click.

This strategic optimization makes it possible to both maximize the impact of communications with high-value customers and to appropriately manage the budget allocated to these campaigns, prioritizing investments on the targets that matter most.

After 4 months of activation, Eram noted a 25% decrease in the cost per purchase (e-commerce), on customer audiences.


Excerpt from the ERAM Group x Advalo webinar


NEWS – August 2019

After 6 months of successful POC, we are pleased to announce our continued support of the brand Bocage in the implementation of individual marketing, generating traffic and turnover in-stores.