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How MVMT became a top Instagram brand and saw a 5x return on their influencer marketing investment in only 5 months. 

Expanding Brand Awareness Beyond Existing Customers

The Goal

The Los Angeles-based watch brand, MVMT, had a strong base community of supporters, but needed to break into new markets and reach new audiences to reach their goals for growing the brand. It was essential to utilize influencers in order to elevate the brand to an easily recognizable Instagram staple to generate sales.

 The Solution

MVMT partnered with Octoly to find new micro-influencers on Instagram and YouTube. Using personalized promo codes, the brand could easily track each influencer’s performance and optimize future campaigns. After a few initial test capaigns, MVMT only collaborated with the influencers who had proven able to drive traffic or sales, thus ensuring a cost-effective gifting-at-scale strategy.


The approach paid off with 510 sales achieved in six months, bringing MVMT over $76K in total net revenue. And thanks to Octoly, its CPA (cost per action) was only $32. By employing a data-driven strategy and optimizing after each campaign, MVMT was able to streamline their influencer marketing strategy, generate sales, and ensure that each campaign outperformed the last. 

The results in 6 months



total net sales


total net revenue


Octoly supercharges our marketing by not only giving us access to high-quality influencers, but also allowing those influencers to express organic inbound interest for more authentic influencer partnerships at scale!

Davin Riley
Digital Consultant

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