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4 tips for maintaining your brand-influencer relationship
Influencer Marketing

4 tips for maintaining your brand-influencer relationship

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In a previous article, we explained why it is important to have a long-term relationship with influencers, now Hivency gives you 4 tips for nurturing this relationship. It may seem obvious, but in order to have a good relationship with influencers and ensure a long-lasting collaboration, you need to maintain that relationship throughout the year. Find out how you can solidify your brand-influencer relationship.


Our 4 tips for a lasting brand-influencer relationship

#1 – Choose the right influencers

A good relationship is built from the start and to do this it is important to target the right influencers. 44% of influencers decide to collaborate with a brand if they find the collaboration interesting for their community (source: Forward Influence).

Making the wrong choice of influencers for an influencer marketing campaign is one of the most common mistakes made by brands, yet the success of the operation lies in the choice of influencers. Indeed, a micro-influencer has a niche community, with its own expectations and values. They will be enthusiastic about working with you, which will be reflected in their content, if you as a brand have carefully studied and understood the content they propose. Consistency in content and values are parameters to be taken into account much more than the number of subscribers. 

To find the right influencers, those who will match your brand (the same values, for example), you can use an influencer platform such as Hivency. With its Fame Check tool, only authentic and verified profiles will be proposed. 

#2 – Let their creativity run free

Influencers are also called content creators for a reason. It is important not to restrict them in their content, as their job is to create engaging content that reflects their image and appeals to their community. On the one hand, you risk losing the interest of the influencer you are interested in and on the other hand, the message will not be perceived as authentic, which is what subscribers are looking for.

When drawing up the influencer brief, don’t forget to remind them that you have chosen them, since you agree with their style, the image they give off on social networks and that you consider them to be experts in their field, hence your request for collaboration. 

#3 – Interact regularly with influencers

Influencers are valued customers and also your collaborators, so it is important to interact with them regularly. You can send them a message to see how they are doing on an announcement they have posted, wish them a birthday, or even comment on their publications. At the end of a collaboration, a thank-you message will always do the trick, because influencers will keep a good image of your brand.

Secondly, when it comes to providing products, always remember to personalize your mailings and offer products that correspond to them and are also in line with their own ethical charter such as ecology. Let’s take the example of Laboratoires Gilbert, a French laboratory expert in the world of baby pharmacy and client of the Hivency influence platform. The company has understood this and adapts its campaigns to each influencer according to the age and needs of their children. 


This may seem logical, but it is not always so for professionals in the world of communication and marketing! By listening, you will gain points and turn these influencers into brand ambassadors

#4 – Invite influencers to events

Most of the time, you probably communicate with influencers through private messages on social networks or by email. By inviting them to your events, such as a creative workshop with your products and experts, or a visit to your premises for example, you maintain your brand-influencer link. Indeed, this invitation reveals your interest in them and your desire to share your story, your values and your expertise.

The French brand Michel et Augustin opens its door and its backstage

The food brand Michel et Augustin is a perfect example of this, and very recently invited several influencers to the open house of its new office near Paris.

On this occasion, the brand organized a class on how to prepare its famous chocolate mousse that content creators – and consumers – talk about so much on social networks. To create a connection, the brand’s tribe of employees (culinary experts) themselves taught the course and presented their new premises. Each influencer was invited with a +1 to share the moment with one of their followers or loved ones.

Michel et Augustin atelier

Photo credits: Hivency 

In addition, nothing beats a face-to-face meeting to get to know each other better and build a stronger bond. Your brand image can only grow when influencers communicate through stories and/or posts about their special events. 

Influencers are not marketing tools, so it is essential to maintain this relationship throughout the year. If you want to know more about what influencers prefer in order to provide them with engaging content, Hivency can help you learn more about the current trends that are appealing to influencers.  

Photo credits: Hivan Arvizu via Unsplash