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[CLIENT TESTIMONY] Eram boosted the impact of its campaigns thanks to ultra-targeted newsletters: +10% incremental conversion.

[CLIENT TESTIMONY] Eram boosted the impact of its campaigns thanks to ultra-targeted newsletters: +10% incremental conversion.

With the Advalo platform, Eram’s teams have put personalization devices in place which send thematic newsletter campaigns to their clients.

Find below feedback from François Aspe, E-Commerce and Client Marketing Director for Eram and Bocage, recorded at the ERAM Group x Advalo webinar.

After having reconciled within the Advalo platform, online and offline data relating to its customers, the ready-to-wear shoe brand Eram was able to access an omnichannel vision of their journeys and make a link between their physical (in-store contact information, in-store transactional history) and “digital” (navigation behaviors) activity.  

By correlating customer-specific data (purchase history or site navigation) with a defined benchmark product, the predictive marketing models included in the platform can identify the product(s) demonstrating the greatest possibility of being bought by the customer.

The implementation of this model allowed for strong personalized product recommendations, for each sent newsletter and the related adaptation of marketing pressure depending on the profile and value of the individual.

“Thanks to the plateform, we could very quickly identify a customer who consulted a product page and customize the next newsletter, or next marketing action to be taken with content that really interests them.”

After one month and a half of using the platform, Eram witnessed a positive 10% incremental conversion growth. 



Excerpt from the ERAM Group x Advalo webinar



NEWS – August 2019

After 6 months of successful POC, we are pleased to announce our continued support of the brand Bocage in the implementation of individual marketing, generating traffic and turnover in-stores.