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3 axes for better omnichannel efficiency

3 axes for better omnichannel efficiency

Testimonials from Bensimon, Total Direct Energie, UGC, and Klépierre. How to create a virtuous omnichannel ecosystem that generates growth?

The diverseness and ever-changing way of the customer journey have forced brands to be agile so as not to fall behind. Over the past few years, they have begun to transform themselves to get the best of both the digital and physical worlds, to create a virtuous and omnichannel ecosystem in favor of a personalized, resolutely holistic and unquestionably more personalized effective customer experience. Our guests share 3 marketing and digital priorities to orchestrate over the coming months that will lead to growth.

Debate with 4 marketing, digital, customer experience and data experts during this 61st issue of Innovation & Cross Media, produced by MC Factory in partnership with Stratégies, Isoskèle and Open:

Rudy Achache: General Manager at Bensimon, famous French lifestyle brand

Elisabeth Trochet: UGC Knowledge and Customer Marketing Director, leading European cinema network

Matthieu Tanguy: digital, data and marketing director of Total Direct Energie, third player in the energy market

Elise Masurel: marketing, digital and innovation director of Klépierre, pan-European shopping center leader

Watch the video in this article to find out more about omnichannel efficiency and client value: