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Influencer marketing: everything you need to know for 2022
Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing: everything you need to know for 2022

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We are now just a few weeks away from 2022: so what can we expect? The health crisis has accelerated certain trends that are now turning into real marketing levers. TikTok has become the number one competitor of social networks, the development of collaborations via podcasts, the deepening of brand-influencer relationships… Hivency, the influencer platform, has put together for you the 7 trends that are emerging for 2022 in its annual e-book on the future of influencer marketing and gives you the weapons to prepare for this new year thanks to numerous tips from experts from different backgrounds. 


What can we expect in 2022?

Today we give you an overview of the 7 trends in influencer marketing.

#1 – Social commerce at the heart of social network strategy

As we predicted in our previous edition, throughout this year social networks have continued to develop social commerce, whether through social ads, marketplaces… Live shopping has also had a special place in social network strategy and will continue to grow in 2022 thanks to live events organised by the social networks themselves, using various influencers from each platform. Brands will be able to further increase the conversion rate and traffic to their website. 


Pinterest: the promising channel for influencer marketing in 2022

Pinterest is more than just a source of inspiration, it is a platform that recommends content to users and links to your products. Running influencer campaigns on Pinterest will become even more important in the coming year. Johan Gipch, Head of Content and Creators Pinterest France, South Europe & Benelux, explains how influencers will evolve and how brands will benefit from them


 #2 – TikTok: not just a trendy social network

Copied but not yet equalled, TikTok has managed to stand out this year. For brands, this year has allowed them to evaluate the potential of TikTokers, a huge source of engagement and ideas, each more original than the last. 2022 will be the year when marketers will seriously integrate TikTok into their strategy to increase brand awareness. TikTok intends to reach the top of the social networks and is investing in various tools to attract more and more users: social commerce is the next step. In the e-book of our influencer marketing platform, you can find tips and content ideas for your next brand-influencer collaboration on TikTok. 


#3 – Short video and audio: 2 appealing formats for brands and influencers

Short video: for dynamic and unique creations

With TikTok, the short video format has grown considerably on all social networks: Reels on Instagram, Ideas Pins on Pinterest, YouTube Shorts… This format appeals to users and content creators alike, as social networks offer a wide range of music, filters and other tools to make content more dynamic, attractive and, of course, engaging.


Audio: a new way to engage users

Meanwhile, audio through the podcast is a format that offers great opportunities for brands to collaborate with influencers. Podcasters also have niche communities that brands seek to reach. In addition, a podcast is the perfect example of content, easy to consume content. As a brand, the podcast is the perfect medium to communicate an ambassador program and much more! In 2022, new ideas for collaborations will be possible, and we are revealing several of them to you.


#4 – Authenticity: the quality sought after in nano-influencers

Brands have become aware of the power of influence that nano-influencers possess. The number of subscribers is far from being the most important metric to guarantee the success of an influencer marketing campaign. Nano- and micro-influencers bring transparency and authenticity to their storytelling, which appeals to their followers. As a result, brands no longer hesitate to turn them into brand ambassadors to reinforce their message and build consumer loyalty. To this end, 2022 will see the return of events with brands’ favorite influencers and invitations to take part in brand strategies, among others. 


#5 – Influencer marketing to support your committed campaigns

Whether for an association or a brand, influencer marketing is a significant vector of visibility. This commitment is driven by the new generation, which is demanding to take a stand and take action to defend causes that concern all of us. As an association, such as Amnesty International, which fights against abuses of human rights, using nano- and micro-influencers allows you to reach a wider audience and make your message viral. As a brand, like the photos-printing application Lalalab for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month (october), influencer marketing is an effective strategy for communicating your fights and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects. Influencer marketing makes it possible to raise awareness in communities quickly and to provide all the elements of communication.


#6 Co-branding is still relevant and increasingly effective

Co-branding, which refers to an alliance between two complementary brands to offer a unique and limited endowment, has proved its worth in 2021 and will continue to be a successful operation in 2022. This type of operation meets several objectives:

  • Reach a wider audience
  • Obtain cross-acquisitions;
  • Assert brand awareness, etc.

In addition, leveraging micro-influence to promote this exclusive offer increases the benefits of co-branding tenfold. In this edition of our e-book, you can find out in detail how to launch an effective co-branding operation in 2022.he expert advice of Justine Jaguelin, Communication Manager of Pylones, a French company that markets and distributes everyday objects in France and abroad, which has integrated co-branding into its influencer marketing strategy.


#7 – Consumer ratings and reviews: a strategy not to be missed in 2022

Anne-Sophie Bielawski-modified

According to our VP Marketing, Anne-Sophie Bielawski, consumers are “guaranteeing an authentic user experience, they reassure and guide potential buyers through a plethora of products and ultimately boost conversion”.


Indeed, influencers are not the only source of UGC and more particularly of CGC (Customer Generated Content). Consumers take into account the opinions of their peers when making a purchase decision. Indeed, 87% of consumers read online customer reviews of local businesses (source: Brighlocal). As a real guarantee of credibility, consumer reviews are developing considerably:

  • Your online reputation;
  • Your SEO;
  • Your sales, etc.

However, to launch this type of strategy, which is complementary to influencer marketing, there is a protocol to follow to ensure its effectiveness. Find out how and why to launch a consumer review campaign in 2022, along with advice from experts. 




For this third edition, you can find feedback from influencers operating on different platforms, ranging from podcasts to Twitch, beauty brands like Erborian, tips from a social network that will be big in 2022 like Pinterest and many more.  Over 20 influencer marketing experts from a variety of industries will be on hand to provide you with their expertise and insight into what you need to do in 2022 in order to perform through influencer marketing on social networks and consumer reviews.