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Retail : How to improve your CRM strategy?

Retail : How to improve your CRM strategy?

As David Le Douarin, co-founder and General Director of Predictive Marketing Activation announced in his forum :

“Purchasing routes have been disrupted by new technologies. Faced with drops in store traffic, brands have greatly increased marketing pressure – email, retargeting, etc. – and have massively resorted to promotion. Unfortunately these practices have drawn them into a destructive spiral of margin and brand image.”

“This marketing overpressure has also given rise to a certain consumer aversion to email and, inevitably, day by day, fewer and fewer emails are opened and the act of contacting customers is plummeting. “

The findings are clear and what has been found is beyond dispute, retailers need to change their practices to find accuracy and relevance in their communication. We, therefore, propose in this article, 4 strategies that will allow you to bring CRM campaign performance back.

1. Improve customer journey knowledge and communicate at the right time

Understanding the omnichannel journey is the new key to reading performance for any retail brand because without this knowledge, it is impossible to measure the impact of digital actions on turnover in stores and to manage all marketing campaigns.

Thanks to the consolidation of online behavioral data and offline CRM data, the Predictive Marketing Activation platform provides an omnichannel vision of the purchasing journey of each consumer. This makes it possible to send the customer individualized messages on all contact points according to their progress in the purchasing journey. For example, it will be better to communicate about the brand during the consumer’s inspiration period, and offer the right products during the evaluation phase.

visuel W2S

When carrying out a web to store study for its client BUT, Predictive Marketing Activation helped the brand to adapt the timing of its marketing actions to the average preparation time and the number of visits (personalized follow-up emails after 3 visits, and 8 days after the 1st visit....)

2. Identify your most value generating marketing actions

One of the problems of a marketing department is to know which strategy and which action plan to put in place to achieve its objectives. The prerequisite for being able to do this is to have detailed knowledge of its customers beforehand.

By thoroughly segmenting your database, Predictive Marketing Activation allows you to know the value of your customers and to identify the strategic segments within your CRM database. Identifying these segments will then allow you to determine which marketing actions generate the most value.


Through customer base RFM segmentation and transfer matrices comprehension, Predictive Marketing Activation enabled Grain de Malice to prioritize its marketing actions. The ready-to-wear brand is now able to identify high-value customer profiles and focus its marketing actions on these persons.

3. Reinforce speaking capacity by digitizing your customer base

The major problems confronting CRM management is the decline in emailing campaign reactivity. Over-solicitation of consumers in especially very competitive markets like retail have seen  KPIs such as the opening rate, click rate, the reactivity rate and the conversion rate to fall. If, in addition, we take into account non-contactable customers, we can see that on average, CRM teams only use between 5 and 10% of their database.

The main solution to deal with drops in email campaign performance is to contact customers outside of traditional channels (SMS and email). By digitizing your database, Predictive Marketing Activation offers you the possibility of sending a personalized message (birthday, welcome, loyalty voucher, etc.) to your customers, on all digital contact points (website, social networks, etc.)


For example, by digitizing more than 40% of its customer base, Predictive Marketing Activation has enabled BUT to render the act of contacting its customers and sending them personalized messages by 5.

4. Personalized product  recommendations to improve conversion and customer loyalty

One of the levers available to the marketer to improve emailing campaign conversion is to personalize communication with each of their customers, in order to present them the offers that are most relevant to them and most close to the needs they express.

Communication must be based on the correct pretences, which varies:

  • Hot pretences are linked to consumer navigation in real time (products viewed, themes, etc.)
  • “Cold” pretences are linked to the customer’s life cycle and the history of their relationship with the brand (eg new customer, birthday, etc.)
  • Exogenous pretences are linked to the customers context and environment (ex: weather).

After digitizing its customer database, our client Grain de Malice was able to set up individualized actions according to each consumer. Several digital personalization actions have been tested:

  • Emailings presenting the products seen by each client on the site but not purchased
  • The automated sending of individualized emails with a silhouette proposal, meaning a personalized proposal of products complementary to the products already purchased
  • Sending personalized newsletters with relevant advice: personalized in store advice is a great strength of Grain de Malice, the challenge was to bring their advice to a cold medium such as the email channel.

Results: Email and click-through rates doubled. Qualified traffic generated for all stores.

Do you want to improve CRM campaign performance and learn more about the Predictive Marketing Activation solution. Request a demo of our solution !